Sunday, March 22, 2009

El Mocambo

Saturday Evening Nexopia sent me to a local Show in Toronto, which they were promoting. They were kind enough to pay the door fee as well as the mandatory coat check, for myself and my two friends. They even threw in a free t-shirt for me as well.

The lighting was rather horrible at the venue. All of the lighting was constant and it had a disgusting yellow tinge to it. I was barely able to shoot a half decent shot of anyone other then the main singer due to the lighting as well. All of the bellow shots were taken with my 40D and my 70-200 2.8 IS lens.

I hope you like them!

(click on the image to view it better)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The White Rabbit

This past Sunday my friend Chris invited me to tag along with him to a local concert at The White Rabbit, in Newmarket. The headliner band was Shiloh, along with The Latency (click on the band names to check out their music). Both bands consists of rather young musicians, which both appear to have a rather long careers ahead of them in the music industry.

Additional photos can be found on my Flickr

On a totally unrelated note I got my Vivitar 285HV in the mail today. I'm really stoked to start using it along with my 580EXII. Sadly I haven't gotten very much time to play with it quite yet. I'll try and post some additional information on it ASAP.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Internet Shopping Bananza

I have always been rather hesitant to purchase stuff online. Even more so with the current state of the economy and the poor stance of the Canadian dollar. Despite this I decided to splurged this weekend. Bellow you fill find a breakdown of all the stuff I purchased.

Vivitar 285HV

Purchasing a second strobe has been on my agenda for quite some time. After much debate, I finally decided on the old school Vivitar
285HV. It may be old, big, and bulk, but it's built well and gets the job done. I purchased it from Adorama (I would of purchased it from b&h photo, but Adorama was a few dollars cheaper). After placing my order I realized that I would need an additional cord, in order to connect the Vivitar to a pocket wizard. Luckily I managed to contact Adorama and they were able to add the item to my previous order. I ordered the Vivitar on Saturday evening and it's already being sent out. Now that what I call a speedy order!

Remote Transceiver Caddy

I have been looked for safe, yet non destructive way to connect my pocket wizard to my flash. When I managed to stumble upon these remote transceiver caddys, I just had to have one.. er.. two rather. The Caddy basically attaches itself to the pocket wizard and then there is a bungy like cord that attaches around your flash. They are $15 a piece and has very reasonable shipping rates. I'm expecting to get these by the end of this week. At that time I will post additional info on them.

Translucent Earlove Ear Pluggs

Last but certainly not least, earlove ear plugs.
I have recently started to photography some local shows. I have found that my ears are still ringing several hours later. Odds are the fact that I find myself standing right in front of these larger speakers is not helping (DUH!).
That sends my grand total to approximately $300 Canadian.